Thursday, July 17, 2008

lost rivers & the glen cedar bridge

i have been visiting this bridge since before my father moved into the neighbourhood, when i was eleven or so. west end elementary schools hold cross country meets in the ravine, which is how i first came upon it.

i went back tonight, as i often do when visiting my dad. he took the dog down into the valley while i explored the bridge itself. i lay face down on the walkway and peered between two planks into the ravine below. a perfectly rolled and completely dry spliff was caught on an iron beam under the face of the bridge.

maybe the cops showed up and the owner panicked, dropping it between the cracks?

"Toronto's Ravines, Walking The Hidden Country," Murray Seymour, The Boston MillsPress, 2000

"City of York: a Local History," E.C. Millar & others, The Board of Education for The City of York, 1987

"Don Valley Legacy, a Pioneer History" by Ann Guthrie, The Boston Mills Press 1986

"Exploring Toronto" Annabel Slaight, & Ontario Association of Architects, Grey dePencier Pub., 1972, the chapter "Along the Escarpment" by Colin Vaughan and AnnabelSlaight.

"Over The Don" by Ron Fletcher, Publisher Ron Fletcher. 2002.

Special Places; The Changing Ecosystems of the Toronto Region," Betty I. Roots, etal.Royal Canadian Institute and UBC Press, 1999

"St. Clair West in Pictures, a history of the communities of Carlton, Davenport, Earlscourt, & Oakwood" 2nd Edition, Nancy Byers & Barbara Myrvold,. Toronto Public Libray, 1999

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